8am in the morning, and I am digging my way through some boxes of random old stock, trying to have a sort out to make some space, as the stockroom is standing room only at the moment.
I start finding a few random new in pack parts and hop ups for the Iconic Tamiya F103 Formula 1 model, so I stick them to one side to keep them together.
A few loose parts start turning up and before you know it, it's 10am tea break time.
Sat with a brew looking through the bits and two cups later we have this!
Anyone who knows me will know I love a bit of Iconic F1 action. I have raced since the first Tamiya F1's came out, but sold my cars on a year or two back.
I have no idea how much the value of the parts on this come to, but I can tell you it is a lot as most are jewels from a unicorns nest level rare!
Alloy adjustable rear pod, Carbon lower and top deck, carbon deck supports, alloy T bar supports, Tech Racing alloy adjustable friction post, low friction pads, TRG front uprights, RD Kingpins, F03GT front arms, alloy body posts, so far!
Packing orders has halted progress for a while, but it will be done. Still to fit, damper, wings, diff, carbon axle, wheels & tires and of course a nice body and period correct electrics.
Then the question of what to do with it. Race or shelf? Maybe a run at the Iconic August race at West London!

Must be time for another cuppa. This could be dangerous. I have enough parts to build two!
If you to are building, restoring or just fixing a classic F1. Check out the Tamiya F1 spares section on the website for lots of parts and goodies.